Day 15-31 better late than never😩

⭐️Day 15 Timeline of today

Got up around 6:00AM talk to my husband, he then left for work.

I started getting kids ready for school 7:15AM.

9:00AM kids were off to school.

10:30AM Heading out to run errands

2:00PM Came home did my hair

3:00PM did a couple of loads of Laundry

4:30PM Kids are home from school talk about their day

5:00PM I do my daughters hair

7:00PM Eat dinner

8:00 Since its Friday it time to watch a move as  family then pass out whenever

⭐️Day 16 Dream Job

My dream job is to be a retail buyer for a fashion Boutique In New York City.

Also to become an Editor and Chief of a Magazine.

⭐️Day 17 Favorite Childhood book

When I was 16 I read “The Coldest Winter Ever” By Sistah Soulja It was my fav

⭐️Day 18 What am I afraid of

I am very afraid of snakes

⭐️Day 19 My worst habits

I don’t think I have any bad habits, none come to mind lol

⭐️Day 20 Where I want to be in 10 years

Hopefully in the best shape of my life. Physically, financially and in one of my two dream jobs

⭐️Day 21 Something I miss

I miss some old friendships but they ended for a reason, I’m not sure of the reason but I know it’s for the best

⭐️Day 22 10 favorite songs

Destiny Child Writing on the Wall Album

⭐️Day 23 Pet Peeves people smacking while they eat

⭐️Day 24 A difficult time in my life

Nothing I’m willing to talk about right now.Sorry

⭐️Day 25 Best physical feature

I have amazing nail beds

⭐️Day 26 5 favorite blogs





I don’t have a 5th

⭐️Day27 What makes me feel better,always

Space, sometimes I just need space to think to myself

⭐️Day28 Last time I cried

The last time I remember crying is last month with my Cramps. They hurt a lot

⭐️Day 29 Top thing on my bucket list


⭐️Day 30 Favorite comfort food

Mac &Cheese

⭐️Day31 Weird quirk of my

I’d rather be around clothes than people

Day 14

What in my handbag😊

Well I actually just switched bags so this one isn’t stuffed with receipts or extra things my kids give me. It very clean. This is my green with gold detail cross body. I got this bag from JustFab. It’s super cute and very functional it’s one of my favorites!

Ok so let’s look what we have inside🧐

I have my wallet,sun glasses, old movie tickets. Hand lotion a small note pad and pen. A couple lip glosses some ladies hygiene items and business cards from my stylist! This is the standard everything that’s in my handbag!

Day 13

Soooo yeah it’s actually day 15 and I’ve slacked. With getting kids back to school and not feeling so well the blog slipped my mind. But it’s a lesson learned I now have an alarm set to remind me to post. Day13 post is a quote you love. If you go to my Pinterest you will see I have a Wisdom board full of quotes that I truly love but I will pick one This is a powerful quote. It’s so easy to get caught up in other people’s dysfunction, you have to be very mindful of the energy you let in your life. I just love Oprah she is full of wisdom! Share your favorite quote in the comments😃

Day 12

If I won the lottery?

If I won the lottery first of all, I wouldn’t tell anyone. I would want to wear a disguise to sign the check. I would pay off all of our debit. Pay off my kids college. Take a family vacation. Maybe buy 2 or 3 homes in different cities. I would invest some of the money so it can continue to grow and save some of the money. There isn’t a lot of splurging I would do besides a new car and maybe a Fendi bag. The biggest thing would be to pay off all debt and not live beyond my means.

Day 11

Proudest moment. As of right now I’m proud of the fact that I’m constantly posting everyday with this blog challenge. I’m not sure that after the 31 days I’ll continue to post everyday, I’m think maybe once a week. And more meaningful topics. Just the fact that I’m making an effort to get on here everyday and post, I’m pretty proud of that😊