Self Care Start

How’s it going? Its already November of 2020! This year went by fast and slow at the same time.January seems so far away but it will be here before we know it. I hope everyone has been taking care of their health as best as they can during this time. Finding healthy ways to manage during a Global Pandemic is an absolute must. Im trying to be conscious of everything I’m putting in my body. Im also going to the gym regularly. It is helping physically and mentally right now. The mental part is honestly the most important part to me right now. I believe if you can conquer the mind, you can conquer anything. Eating healthy and going to the gym are parts of my self care routine. What are you doing for Self care? Are you working out, drinking more water, or just smiling at yourself in the mirror (telling yourself “Girl, You Got this!”)? No matter how big or small it is, do something for yourself everyday that’s going to help you evolve into the best YOU, you can be.