I needed 2020

2020 has been, well 2020. I believe it’s been exactly what it supposed to be. Through it all my family and I have remained healthy. That is a major blessing within it self.

I started the year off 6 months postpartum. With the promise to myself that I would be the healthiest I’d ever been. I started going to the gym at 5:30am. I was determined to get in shape and restart my workout journey once again. Then the world STOPPED, everything closed. Gyms, schools,stores, everything. We had no idea how serious COVID was but we did take it serious. I was upset that once again something was getting in the way of my workout journey. The last time I had a workout routine going and started to see the results, I found out I was pregnant. Yes, you can still workout while pregnant but I took the news pretty hard and I just fell completely off. But January 2020 I knew it was about changing my mind. Yes the world has completely stopped but that didn’t mean I had to. I might not have been able to go as hard as I did when I was at the gym, but if I was going to be in the house with my entire family I needed to move and do something for my mental health. I found a 30day yoga challenges on Amazon prime and started there. I woke up at 6:30am with my 9year old and we did yoga. Then I started paying attention to my diet. Sitting around eating junk food while we were stuck indoors did not have me feeling my best. My husband started making fresh juice in the mornings. We started trying to make the most healthy choices as possible. When the gyms opened I gave it two weeks and then I got right back to it. I started going consistently in August. It was hard to motivate myself to go, but I continued to go. What working out did for my mental health during this crazy year is amazing. Then the mask mandate was put in place, a lot of people were upset and didn’t want to work out with a mask on. I refused to let that stop me. I’d made so much progress.

One of the biggest takeaways 2020 taught me is no matter what you are trying to accomplish there are going to be obstacles. Life changing, world stopping obstacles. But if you want it you have to keep pushing toward it no matter what. It’s always going to be something that’s going to try to get in the way of your goals, no matter how big or small. You have to make the choice to not let whatever it is stop you.

I needed 2020! It reminded me that God and God alone is in control. I leaned on and talked to God more than ever this year. I needed 2020 to appreciate my family and our health more than ever. The time we spent together made us stronger than ever. I needed 2020 to be able to sit with myself and my thoughts and build myself, connect the dots in my life without all noise and just grow. Yes 2020 was rough but we made it. We are here, hours away from 2021 and I’m ready to apply everything I learned in 2020 and be better and greater than ever. What about you? You ready? Because 2021 is coming …..Ready or not!

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