Unshakable Faith

2022 was an amazing year. I’d say it is the best year of my life,thus far. My family and I moved from our oh so comfortable, predictable, like minded, flat city in the MidWest. To the fast past, super diverse, unpredictable, mountains on the west and beaches on the east, East coast. The transition was exciting, but also scary. We moved and did not have a home. So we spent the summer house hunting. In a very competitive over priced market. But during that transition with all the excitement I found myself literally on my death bed.

I was bleeding internally, I just thought I was tired. I’m in this new big city, I’ve never had any health issues and if I wouldn’t have listened to my husband and called the nurse line… it could have been tragic. While I waited a day in the emergency room with NO SERVICE. I was told I needed a blood transfusion. This was the scariest thing ever.

When it comes to my health I prefer to do my own research, before I make a decision based off a doctors recommendation. But in this situation I couldn’t. All I could do was PRAY. I had faith that God was going to bring me through this situation. But I learned I needed UNSHAKEABLE FAITH. I had to stand on what I knew…Whatever God will bring you to, God will bring you through. I had a successful blood transfusion, recovery went well and as of today my health is great.

With all of that I still had the best year ever. My family is healthy, we’ve found a circle of friends and family, and we’ve spent the holidays with in our new home. So although 2022 was an amazing year, all I can hear God saying is that, 2023 is going to be even better. So I’m accepting all things new. New routine, new challenges and new discomforts. Which will all equal up to growth, and a new version of me.

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