Winter Blues, 5 Self care tips to apply during the Winter.


Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or Physician; these are just tips from my personal experience. If you feel that you may harm yourself or anyone else, please contact someone at Or text HOME to 741741 to reach a volunteer Crisis Counselor.

A lot of us start to feel down around this time of year. The holiday excitement has died down, the days are feeling shorter, less natural sunlight and life is just life’in! That’s enough to make anyone just feel down. According to Winter Blues isn’t a medical diagnosis and it typically clears up in a short amount of time. 

Unlike “Seasonal affective disorder” also known as “SAD” which is a well-defined clinical diagnosis. SAD appears on a regular basis when the weather starts to change. If you start feeling the winter blues every winter and it’s lasting longer than 4-6 weeks, consider speaking with your health care professional.

 I’ve experienced Winter Blues and here are 5 self-care tips I applied to help!

1.  Increase Fruits, Vegetables and Water 

What tastes good isn’t always good for our minds and body. While trying to combat the winter blues comfort food doesn’t always have us feeling our best. Instead, we feel sluggish, tired and cranky. On the other hand, with leafy greens, fruits and veggies, you feel light, refreshed, and energized. Try eating a full meal. Staying hydrated is also very important. A personal goal of mine is to drink a gallon of water a day.

2.  Get Fresh Air 

As long as it’s safe to go outside bundle up and take a nice walk in your neighborhood, or a trail nearby. If only for 10-15 minutes get outside and get as much fresh air as possible.

3.  Try New Activities

Sometimes we are in such a routine, we don’t have the excitement of a new challenge. By trying different activities, something you’ve never done before can be exciting. Put yourself in a different element, or a new mini adventure! Try an improv class, a new exercise class or learn to make a new dish. 

4. Remember This too Shall Pass

Stay around positive influences and focus on what you can control. The Winter Blues are temporary so during this short time, remain positive. Be mindful of the things we watch and listen to as well.

5. Talk to someone (you are not alone)

A lot of times we can feel like we are going through things alone. Which doesn’t make the winter blues any better. But you don’t have to feel like you are in it by yourself. Reach out to a therapist, a pastor, a mentor, or a health care provider. Someone you feel comfortable talking to and you know will give you sound advice. Make sure you are speaking with someone that is truly concerned with your well-being.

If you’ve tried these tips or have any others that may have helped you, please share them in the comments below!

Unshakable Faith

2022 was an amazing year. I’d say it is the best year of my life,thus far. My family and I moved from our oh so comfortable, predictable, like minded, flat city in the MidWest. To the fast past, super diverse, unpredictable, mountains on the west and beaches on the east, East coast. The transition was exciting, but also scary. We moved and did not have a home. So we spent the summer house hunting. In a very competitive over priced market. But during that transition with all the excitement I found myself literally on my death bed.

I was bleeding internally, I just thought I was tired. I’m in this new big city, I’ve never had any health issues and if I wouldn’t have listened to my husband and called the nurse line… it could have been tragic. While I waited a day in the emergency room with NO SERVICE. I was told I needed a blood transfusion. This was the scariest thing ever.

When it comes to my health I prefer to do my own research, before I make a decision based off a doctors recommendation. But in this situation I couldn’t. All I could do was PRAY. I had faith that God was going to bring me through this situation. But I learned I needed UNSHAKEABLE FAITH. I had to stand on what I knew…Whatever God will bring you to, God will bring you through. I had a successful blood transfusion, recovery went well and as of today my health is great.

With all of that I still had the best year ever. My family is healthy, we’ve found a circle of friends and family, and we’ve spent the holidays with in our new home. So although 2022 was an amazing year, all I can hear God saying is that, 2023 is going to be even better. So I’m accepting all things new. New routine, new challenges and new discomforts. Which will all equal up to growth, and a new version of me.

Nail Salon Visits

It’s the peace and quiet for me.I absolutely love coming to the nail salon. I remember as a little girl I would come every two weeks with my mom. Walking in and the smell of nail polish was the best smell ever to me. (I know weird, right!) The endless amount of nail polishes on the wall was a beautiful sight to my young eyes. In the small waiting area there would be as many magazines as there were nail polishes on the wall. As we waited for Kevin,the salon owner, to call my mother over we watched the other ladies get finished up. I was always excited to see what color they had as they walked past me to get out the door.Did they have long or short nails? A bright color or did they get that old school cotton candy color that was “Oh so pretty”😍 and classic? Kevin calls for my mother in broken English.“OK come on,you let’s go. Where is your sister?” My mother and Aunt would often go to the nail salon together. He usually asked where the other sister was. I watched with anticipation, I waited to see my mother’s nails. I wanted to get my nails done so bad as a kid. But my mother always said the same thing whenever I asked. “Getting your nails done is a bill. When you can pay your bills, you can get your nails done.” So when I got my first job at 16 and I was able to afford a nail salon trip,I did just that. And still today, I absolutely love going to the nail salon.It is my alone time when I can sit down, read my magazine and enjoy peace and quiet.

I needed 2020

2020 has been, well 2020. I believe it’s been exactly what it supposed to be. Through it all my family and I have remained healthy. That is a major blessing within it self.

I started the year off 6 months postpartum. With the promise to myself that I would be the healthiest I’d ever been. I started going to the gym at 5:30am. I was determined to get in shape and restart my workout journey once again. Then the world STOPPED, everything closed. Gyms, schools,stores, everything. We had no idea how serious COVID was but we did take it serious. I was upset that once again something was getting in the way of my workout journey. The last time I had a workout routine going and started to see the results, I found out I was pregnant. Yes, you can still workout while pregnant but I took the news pretty hard and I just fell completely off. But January 2020 I knew it was about changing my mind. Yes the world has completely stopped but that didn’t mean I had to. I might not have been able to go as hard as I did when I was at the gym, but if I was going to be in the house with my entire family I needed to move and do something for my mental health. I found a 30day yoga challenges on Amazon prime and started there. I woke up at 6:30am with my 9year old and we did yoga. Then I started paying attention to my diet. Sitting around eating junk food while we were stuck indoors did not have me feeling my best. My husband started making fresh juice in the mornings. We started trying to make the most healthy choices as possible. When the gyms opened I gave it two weeks and then I got right back to it. I started going consistently in August. It was hard to motivate myself to go, but I continued to go. What working out did for my mental health during this crazy year is amazing. Then the mask mandate was put in place, a lot of people were upset and didn’t want to work out with a mask on. I refused to let that stop me. I’d made so much progress.

One of the biggest takeaways 2020 taught me is no matter what you are trying to accomplish there are going to be obstacles. Life changing, world stopping obstacles. But if you want it you have to keep pushing toward it no matter what. It’s always going to be something that’s going to try to get in the way of your goals, no matter how big or small. You have to make the choice to not let whatever it is stop you.

I needed 2020! It reminded me that God and God alone is in control. I leaned on and talked to God more than ever this year. I needed 2020 to appreciate my family and our health more than ever. The time we spent together made us stronger than ever. I needed 2020 to be able to sit with myself and my thoughts and build myself, connect the dots in my life without all noise and just grow. Yes 2020 was rough but we made it. We are here, hours away from 2021 and I’m ready to apply everything I learned in 2020 and be better and greater than ever. What about you? You ready? Because 2021 is coming …..Ready or not!

Day 15-31 better late than never😩

⭐️Day 15 Timeline of today

Got up around 6:00AM talk to my husband, he then left for work.

I started getting kids ready for school 7:15AM.

9:00AM kids were off to school.

10:30AM Heading out to run errands

2:00PM Came home did my hair

3:00PM did a couple of loads of Laundry

4:30PM Kids are home from school talk about their day

5:00PM I do my daughters hair

7:00PM Eat dinner

8:00 Since its Friday it time to watch a move as  family then pass out whenever

⭐️Day 16 Dream Job

My dream job is to be a retail buyer for a fashion Boutique In New York City.

Also to become an Editor and Chief of a Magazine.

⭐️Day 17 Favorite Childhood book

When I was 16 I read “The Coldest Winter Ever” By Sistah Soulja It was my fav

⭐️Day 18 What am I afraid of

I am very afraid of snakes

⭐️Day 19 My worst habits

I don’t think I have any bad habits, none come to mind lol

⭐️Day 20 Where I want to be in 10 years

Hopefully in the best shape of my life. Physically, financially and in one of my two dream jobs

⭐️Day 21 Something I miss

I miss some old friendships but they ended for a reason, I’m not sure of the reason but I know it’s for the best

⭐️Day 22 10 favorite songs

Destiny Child Writing on the Wall Album

⭐️Day 23 Pet Peeves people smacking while they eat

⭐️Day 24 A difficult time in my life

Nothing I’m willing to talk about right now.Sorry

⭐️Day 25 Best physical feature

I have amazing nail beds

⭐️Day 26 5 favorite blogs





I don’t have a 5th

⭐️Day27 What makes me feel better,always

Space, sometimes I just need space to think to myself

⭐️Day28 Last time I cried

The last time I remember crying is last month with my Cramps. They hurt a lot

⭐️Day 29 Top thing on my bucket list


⭐️Day 30 Favorite comfort food

Mac &Cheese

⭐️Day31 Weird quirk of my

I’d rather be around clothes than people

Day 14

What in my handbag😊

Well I actually just switched bags so this one isn’t stuffed with receipts or extra things my kids give me. It very clean. This is my green with gold detail cross body. I got this bag from JustFab. It’s super cute and very functional it’s one of my favorites!

Ok so let’s look what we have inside🧐

I have my wallet,sun glasses, old movie tickets. Hand lotion a small note pad and pen. A couple lip glosses some ladies hygiene items and business cards from my stylist! This is the standard everything that’s in my handbag!

Day 13

Soooo yeah it’s actually day 15 and I’ve slacked. With getting kids back to school and not feeling so well the blog slipped my mind. But it’s a lesson learned I now have an alarm set to remind me to post. Day13 post is a quote you love. If you go to my Pinterest you will see I have a Wisdom board full of quotes that I truly love but I will pick one This is a powerful quote. It’s so easy to get caught up in other people’s dysfunction, you have to be very mindful of the energy you let in your life. I just love Oprah she is full of wisdom! Share your favorite quote in the comments😃

Day 12

If I won the lottery?

If I won the lottery first of all, I wouldn’t tell anyone. I would want to wear a disguise to sign the check. I would pay off all of our debit. Pay off my kids college. Take a family vacation. Maybe buy 2 or 3 homes in different cities. I would invest some of the money so it can continue to grow and save some of the money. There isn’t a lot of splurging I would do besides a new car and maybe a Fendi bag. The biggest thing would be to pay off all debt and not live beyond my means.

Day 11

Proudest moment. As of right now I’m proud of the fact that I’m constantly posting everyday with this blog challenge. I’m not sure that after the 31 days I’ll continue to post everyday, I’m think maybe once a week. And more meaningful topics. Just the fact that I’m making an effort to get on here everyday and post, I’m pretty proud of that😊